Saturday, May 8, 2010

An Event


I saw a man.

He was doing something
But I can't recall what it was.

His face is gone from my memory
A nameless shape with black hair.
And maybe a moustache?

He is swimming somewhere
In my brain's vast ocean
Where it keeps all things




  1. My ocean is filled with flotsam and jetsam and those plastic thingies that hold six packs together. Very crowed and polluted. The man would get lost in there :)

  2. There are those who say you could still pull that information out, as if it were filed away but retrievable. I don't think the filing cabinet of my mind works that way, though. If I truly think something is insignificant, as sad as that may be, it gets thrown out the metaphorical window, rather than filed. I hope someone else picks it up.

  3. Not so insignificant, after all!
